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Making the job search easier - Use Jobby

Job hunting sucks. Let's make it suck less.

At Semiosis AI we are global subject-matter experts on the language of recruiting. We realize that most job hunters struggle to manage the massive task alone. You can Use Jobby to help find new opportunities, stand out from among the crowd of other applicants, and keep track of all of your job applications.

Home: Welcome

Your Name Here


January 2023 - June 2024

You want to use formatting to stand out when describing your unique contributions.


July 2024 - May 2025

Don't forget to show the impact you made. $100M of increased sales.


June 2025 - April 2026

With just a resume, you can still emphasize your capabilities.

Home: CV
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Stand out.
Land the job.

Who can you trust to answer questions about what you know, what you have done, your work experience, your skills, and your expertise?


You know how incomplete things like resumes, CV's, cover letters, and even LinkedIn profiles are. They only show a small snapshot of the entirety of your experiences.


Now, by leveraging AI, you can build a personal AMA (ask me anything) bot to let recruiters learn more about you than any CV or resume can ever provide.


You have complete control over the information you share. Spotlight the FAQ's you want.


Get your dream job - faster! Use Jobby!

Home: Text
Home: List

How hard is it to find a job these days?

39 Candidates

The average number of people a recruiter will consider for a single job vacancy.

7-8 Seconds

The average amount of time recruiters spend looking at your resume.

100-200 Applications

The average number of jobs you need to apply to before you get an offer.

96,000+ Layoffs

The number of people laid off from tech companies in 2024.

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